learn the fundamentals of Stem Cell Isolation & Application

  • Customised individually as per schedule and need
  • One to one interaction
  • Based on specialty & requirement
  • Discussed in detail before starting the course
  • Useful practical theory & detailed demonstrations
  • Time no constrain
  • Next level doesn’t commence until all queries answered
  • Well thought-out learning plans and protocols
  • Fastest way to improve results
  • Full working knowledge
  • Course duration: flexible options
  • Accredited certificate of learning
  • Regular updates & Backup support
  • No need of expensive kits
  • Online /offline/hands on/
  • At the site of clinician OR at our facility
  • Learner is poised to information



Hands on training

Live Clinical Applications

One to one Learning

Scientific Sessions

Written Protocol


  • Stem cell & regenerative medicine is a very new specialty hence not taught as a part of traditional curriculum in medical colleges.
  •  Crisp, compiled up to date information and adequate training on stem cells biology, isolation and application.
  • SRM platform trains, updates continuously and certifies fellow colleagues so as to have better patient outcome.
  • SRM has recently started its Training Program in Stem Cell-based Cellular and Regenerative Medicine the main aim is to educate fellow medical professionals.
  • Cell medicine is very new and dynamic specialty of medicine with continuous evolving concepts, techniques, hence needs continuous updates