master certification-
Regenerative Medicine




Regenerative medicine has gone through rapid advancements in the last few decades. It has now established itself as a major clinical care option and promises a lot of solutions for existing medical problems. 

This training will include the stem cell, cell based therapy, aesthetic, functional and regenerative effects of the use of prp, micro fragmented adipose tissues, svf and regenerative growth factors.

Keeping in mind the bachelor education course is aimed with holistic approach to teach all basics and abd guide the fellow to choose speciality of interst out of so many options

The training will consist of theoretical introduction, live cases, on, safe and proper collection, selection of the right technology technique of application of biologics, follow ups, informed consents, regulatory & ethical requirements, set ups of regenerative express clinic & centre of excellence.


  • Regenerative medicine: to get started
  • Current perspective of cell therapy & regenerative medicine
  • Unmet needs medicine that regenerative medicine can address
  • Regulatory requirements, bioethics and regenerative medicine
  • Cgmp laboratory guidelines &regulatory requirements.
  • Basics about the requirement of clinical trials.
  • Commercialization of stem cell set ups.
  • Developing a cell therapy product
  • Personalised custom-tailored treatment
  • Emerging technologies (iipsc, car-t)
  • Cord blood banking, cord tissues basics,Dental pulp stem cells,Amniotic fluid regenerative compounds,
  • Nutrigenomics and personalized ketopaleo diet, intermittent fasting, telomere, supplementations

detailed Processing Techniques

Platelet-rich plasma
Bone marrow aspiration & concentrate
Adipose stem cells, svf preparations, fat graft preparations.
Mesenchymal stem cells & different stem cell processing methodology
Exosomes isolation from blood, bone marrow and adipose tissue
Culture expansion of mesenchymal cells (msc) processing of muse cells& very small embryonic like stem cells (vsels) Natural killer cells isolation and expansion Dendritic cell preparation
Chelation, oxyvenation, ozone, hyperbaric, laser growth factors and bioactive molecules application